India’s Destabilizing Role in Pakistan: A Call for Global Accountability

India’s Destabilizing Role in Pakistan: A Call for Global Accountability

In recent years, Pakistan has been under increasing attack—not just from internal challenges but from a covert war waged by its eastern neighbor, India. The latest terrorist assault at Karachi Airport underscores a deeply troubling reality: India’s intelligence agency, RAW, has been actively supporting insurgent groups like the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) in a deliberate campaign to destabilize Pakistan. This is not just a regional concern but a global one, and it’s high time the world pays attention.

Pakistan, despite its relentless efforts to dismantle terrorist networks, is battling a complex web of state-sponsored terrorism. The BLA, once a fringe separatist movement, has been emboldened by external actors, particularly RAW, which has turned the group into a tool of proxy warfare. Evidence of this came most recently when a social media account linked to “Baba Banaras” predicted the Karachi attack, leading many to believe it operates under RAW’s influence. This is not an isolated incident. India’s covert war against Pakistan has been in motion for years. From the capture of Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav to the consistent support for BLA, the evidence is overwhelming. Jadhav’s confession—that RAW had deployed him to Balochistan to orchestrate terror operations—was a moment of truth that Pakistan has repeatedly highlighted to the international community. Yet, the response has been tepid.

India’s involvement in Pakistan’s unrest, particularly through its proxy BLA, is part of a larger, more sinister strategy aimed at sabotaging peace in South Asia. This is further underscored by India’s disruptive role within multilateral forums like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The SCO, a platform aimed at fostering regional cooperation, is being undermined by India, which uses proxies like the BLA to stoke unrest and sabotage Pakistan’s standing. Despite Pakistan’s efforts to dismantle these networks, India’s relentless interference continues. The state has successfully tackled many of the BLA’s operations, but these efforts will remain incomplete until the masterminds—such as Bashir Zeb and Rehman Gul—are apprehended. Both figures are at the core of the BLA’s leadership and are instrumental in orchestrating attacks on Pakistani soil. The time has come for the Pakistani state to intensify its focus on these leaders, whose capture would deliver a critical blow to India’s proxy warfare.

Pakistan has been proactive in presenting evidence of India’s involvement in state-sponsored terrorism to global powers and organizations, yet meaningful action remains elusive. This lack of accountability enables India to pursue its destabilizing agenda unchecked, allowing RAW to continue funding and arming insurgent groups like the BLA. The Modi government’s aggressive policies, executed through RAW, are a recipe for disaster, not just for Pakistan but for the entire region. India’s interference risks igniting a wider conflict that could spiral out of control. The international community must recognize that India’s actions are not just a bilateral issue but a threat to global stability.

It is imperative for the world to hold India accountable for its role in nurturing and supporting terrorist elements like the BLA. The future of peace in South Asia hangs in the balance, and global leaders must not remain passive in the face of such clear aggression. If decisive action is not taken, the consequences will reverberate far beyond Pakistan’s borders.