

European report reveals details of Saudi funding for incitement campaigns

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According to global times news agency Europe,A European report revealed the details of the Al Saud regime’s funding of incitement campaigns against Qatar and Turkey through an Egyptian institution affiliated with the Emirates.

Saudi support was directed to the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights, according to what the European Middle East Microscope revealed.

The European Microscope, a European institution concerned with monitoring the interactions of Middle East issues in Europe, said that the Saudi support was allocated under the guise of financing the project (Promoting Human Solidarity through Interfaith Dialogue in the Face of Covid-19) launched by Maat.

The European Microscope published documents showing that part of the Saudi support money went to Maat’s account in a private Egyptian bank.

Meanwhile, an amount of half a million euros was deposited into the personal account of the Foundation’s Chairman, Ayman Aqil, at Credit Agricole Bank in Paris.

The documents stated that the Saudi-funded project included major embezzlement operations.

Maat called for technical and financial offers in a formal manner, while the contracts were awarded to relatives and friends of Ayman Aqil with the complicity of Fathi Mahfouz, the Foundation’s administrative director, and Nourhan Mustafa, the Director of the International Humanitarian Law Unit at the Foundation.

Aqeel is a controversial Egyptian figure who claims to be a human rights activist active in election monitoring and human rights work.

But in reality, he is a mercenary character who relies on bribes and collecting money in exchange for selling positions.

Maat Foundation promoted the launch of the project (Enhancing Human Solidarity through Interfaith Dialogue in the Face of Covid-19) in cooperation with the King Abdullah International Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID).

The foundation claims that the project seeks to “strengthen the role of religious leaders as influential actors in society to address the repercussions of the Coronavirus.”

But the European microscope confirmed that the project is merely a cover to implement the agendas of Saudi Arabia and the UAE in whitewashing their human rights violations and attacking their opponents in regional and international forums.

Saudi funding also included the integration and training of a large number of young Coptic elements to involve them in activities and programs attacking Islamic centers in France and Britain.

Maat leads what it calls an international committee to monitor the elections by bringing in a number of unknown foreign figures in exchange for money to praise the transparency of the Egyptian elections.