Mike Lewis Entrepreneurial Youtuber/Interviewer of the Mike Lewis Podcast

Mike Lewis Entrepreneurial Youtuber/Interviewer of the Mike Lewis Podcast

Last year EMEA TRIBUNE covered the story and got the opportunity to write for “Mike Lewis“. Mike interviews celebs on his podcasts, diving into their upbringing and mental health. His podcasts are about pop culture and are conducted with people from MTV shows. 84+ public figures have been interviewed on Lewis’ YouTube Channel. These interviews include many popular names like Andre Williams, Matthew Underwood, Cara Maria Sorbello, Averey Tressler, Paulie Calafiore, Kenny Santucci, Landon Lueck, and Johanna Botta.

I have asked some questions to Mike, to which he is responding and giving the answers exclusive to EMEA TRIBUNE

Mike Lewis Interview to EMEA TRIBUNE 


DJ: What is something surprising you learned about yourself from doing this? 

Mike: That’s a Loaded question haha, but I’d say the most surprising thing about me I’ve learned since this was that I’m actually a much more introverted person than I initially realized. Prior to this, I was that guy constantly running around with his head cut off in my normal life and always hanging around large groups of people. I started this, and my perspectives have completely changed, and I don’t mind being in bed at 8 PM these days haha. 


DJ: When did you know you wanted to be a Youtuber/Podcaster

Mike: Honestly, growing up as a kid in the suburbs everyone from the moment their old enough to watch, fantasizes about being a YouTuber and putting out content and having an audience who tunes in. That being said,  I never knew my niche would be interviewing people from Reality TV, it all very much so fell in my lap at the very start of covid and without it I have no clue what I’d be doing right now but I’m grateful for the experience and places it’s led me. 


DJ: How do you make your podcast stand out from others in its category?

Mike: I try to make my episodes feel more like conversations than interviews. I want my audience to be watching two friends having a conversation than a standard Q&A. I don’t watch or listen to anyone else, I stay in my lane and focus on what I can do to put forth the best Mike Lewis. 


DJ: What gives you motivation?

Mike: I think the thing that gives me motivation is this is something I can control for the most part. Growing up, oftentimes you don’t have control over where a coach plays you on the field, what time a professor makes you come to class if a girl likes you, but in this instance, I’m my own boss and I’ve fallen in love with the idea that you can work without having to “work” if that makes sense haha. I think that a lot of my past events growing up motivate me as well.


DJ: what’s one piece of advice can give to listeners:

Mike: I would say to not let numbers and social media statistics/people affect you or define your talent or worth. It can be a hard fine line differentiating what’s real and what’s not, and I would say once your finished product is done, find something you enjoy to help you decompress.


DJ: How fans and our readers can keep in touch with you?

Mike: @mikelewispodcast on Instagram, Twitter @MikeLewispod, and also on Youtube Mike Lewis Podcast



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