Here’s How Much You Need To Earn To Be ‘Rich’ in Every State

Here’s How Much You Need To Earn To Be ‘Rich’ in Every State

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The cost of living is widely different across the United States, where being “rich” in one state might mean tough living in another. “Rich” is a subjective term, and the place you live in has a lot to do with whether you can consider yourself truly wealthy.

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To get an idea of what it looks like to be rich in America, GOBankingRates used census data to conduct a study of the top incomes as they break down by state. It lays out what income level is needed to place you in the top 20% and the top 5% of incomes within your state.

Check out how much money you need to be “rich” in your state.

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $116,599

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $197,286

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $116,598

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The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $117,425

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $212,270

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $117,424

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $123,991

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $219,022

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $123,990

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $125,328

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $219,134

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $125,327

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $126,786

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $219,518

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $126,785

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The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $127,403

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $216,944

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $127,402

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $127,473

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $223,489

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $127,472

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $132,078

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $238,504

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $132,077

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $132,444

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $226,387

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $132,443

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $132,847

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $237,160

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $132,846

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $133,497

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $237,041

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $133,496

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $133,630

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $230,785

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $133,629

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $133,864

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $234,836

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $133,863

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The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $136,246

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $237,659

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $136,245

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $136,582

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $231,690

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $136,581

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $137,435

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $240,204

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $137,434

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $138,318

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $237,505

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $138,317

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $139,072

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $249,042

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $139,071

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $139,438

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $240,130

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $139,437

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The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $141,755

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $266,051

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $141,754

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $143,797

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $246,410

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $143,796

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The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $148,795

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $264,953

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $148,794

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $150,413

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $252,655

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $150,412

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $150,592

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $266,309

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $150,591

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $153,315

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $272,904

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $153,314

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $155,529

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $269,437

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $155,528

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $157,599

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $266,218

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $157,598

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $162,124

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $289,355

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $162,123

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $163,286

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $276,548

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $163,285

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $163,548

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $276,288

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $163,547

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $164,585

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $282,691

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $164,584

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The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $169,423

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $270,877

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $169,422

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $178,141

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $307,101

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $178,140

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $178,658

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $297,363

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $178,657

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $178,953

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $342,150

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $178,952

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $182,550

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $316,724

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $182,549

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $184,482

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $325,947

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $184,481

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $186,867

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $310,254

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $186,866

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $189,778

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $358,875

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $189,777

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The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $195,516

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $327,400

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $195,515

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $196,525

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $356,382

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $196,524

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $203,882

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $359,314

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $203,881

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 20%: $205,889

Average adjusted gross income of the top 20%: $364,076

The minimum you need to make to be in the top 5%: $205,888

Jordan Rosenfeld and John Csiszar contributed to the reporting for this article.

Methodology: GOBankingRates used the United States Census Bureau’s 2023 American Community Survey income quintile data to find each state’s (1) lowest income to be considered in the top 20% income bracket; (2) the average income of the richest 20% and (3) the average income of the richest 5%. All data was collected on and is up to date as of Feb. 3, 2025.

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This article originally appeared on Here’s How Much You Need To Earn To Be ‘Rich’ in Every State

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