Israel ministry: ‘last chance’ for diplomacy after Druze village hit

Israel ministry: ‘last chance’ for diplomacy after Druze village hit

The Israeli Foreign Ministry said on Sunday it would respond to the “massacre” of young people and children in a Druze village on Saturday, blaming Tehran for the attack.

“The rocket that murdered our boys and girls was an Iranian rocket and Hezbollah is the only terror organization which has those in its arsenal,” said ministry spokesman Oren Marmorstein.

“Israel will exercise its right and duty to act in self-defence and will respond to the massacre … The world must now place full responsibility on Iran and its terrorist proxies: Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis.”

“The only way that the world can prevent a full-scale war which would be devastating also to Lebanon is by forcing Hezbollah to implement Security Council Resolution 1701.”

This resolution calls on Hezbollah to withdraw beyond the Litani River, some 30 kilometres from the border between Israel and Lebanon.

“Now is the very last minute to do so diplomatically,” Marmorstein warned.

People mourn at the funeral of their relatives in the Druze town of Majd al-Shams in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. Several children and young people were killed in a rocket attack on a football field in the village. Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

People mourn at the funeral of their relatives in the Druze town of Majd al-Shams in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. Several children and young people were killed in a rocket attack on a football field in the village. Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

People mourn at the funeral of their relatives in the Druze town of Majd al-Shams in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. Several children and young people were killed in a rocket attack on a football field in the village. Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

People mourn at the funeral of their relatives in the Druze town of Majd al-Shams in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. Several children and young people were killed in a rocket attack on a football field in the village. Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

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