We’ve highlighted cautious insider-sentiment for several months now, but also noted that selling by insiders into a consistently rising market is not unusual. So while ‘caution’ has been our word of choice, we haven’t called for a major equity correction. More recently, volatility has spiked in the form of rotation from semiconductors to almost anything else, a belief that the Fed will indeed cut rates in September, the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, a massive IT breakdown that crippled many global entities, and the suspension of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. There are indeed many reasons to feel some uncertainty — and in keeping with that, the weekly insider-sentiment data from Vickers Stock Research has pushed deeply into bearish territory. But one week is not a trend, and the current data is built on low transaction volume because of trading restrictions during earnings season. So while we’re still not ready to ring any alarms — and might even call any reset in stocks prices healthy for the long term — we’ll continue to monitor the trading activity of corporate insiders to see if this one-week spike shows signs of growing. On a sector
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