Miami man uploaded nearly 500 ‘despicable’ videos, pictures of child porn online, cops say

Miami man uploaded nearly 500 ‘despicable’ videos, pictures of child porn online, cops say

A Miami man is accused of hoarding hundreds of child sex abuse pictures and videos; he didn’t keep his “horrific” collection to himself, police said. Prior to his arrest Wednesday, he’d been uploading the disturbing material online — some of his victims live in South Florida.

Miami police detectives uncovered Francisco Ramon Cruz Rodriguez, 51, uploaded 482 pictures and videos to the web, authorities announced Thursday. It’s unclear who tipped off police.

Francisco Ramon Cruz Rodriguez, a Miami man, allegedly uploaded 482 videos and pictures of child sexual abuse material online, with more stashed on a USB in his home, cops say.

Francisco Ramon Cruz Rodriguez, a Miami man, allegedly uploaded 482 videos and pictures of child sexual abuse material online, with more stashed on a USB in his home, cops say.

Sometime after, Miami and Miami Beach police raided his home near Brickell. Authorities seized several electronic devices and found a USB drive in Cruz Rodriguez’s bedroom.

He stashed even more child sex abuse material on the drive, including screenshots of him in video phone calls exposing himself to “prepubescent minors.”

Assessing the pictures and videos, police identified at least three children, several of whom were living in Miami. Detectives are working to identify more victims as they comb through his files.

“Through meticulous investigative work, detectives were able to successfully bring a perpetrator of such despicable acts to justice, and therefore prevent further harm to innocent children,” the department said.

Cruz Rodriguez was arrested Wednesday. He’s charged with 15 counts of possession of sexual performance by a child in addition to two counts of promoting sexual performance by a child.

Appearing in court Thursday, Cruz Rodriguez was given house arrest along with a $57,500 bond. A judge also ordered he stay away from the victims.

He remained in the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center as of Thursday night.

“This is a fantastic example of the hard work that the men and women who are in an incredibly difficult position within the Miami Police Department as they see these horrific images,” Miami Police Chief Manuel Morales said.

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