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Naimal Khawar Surgery: Should We Criticize or Let Her Be?

In Editor Picks, Entertainment
June 18, 2023
Naimal Khawar Surgery: Should We Criticize or Let Her Be?
Naimal Khawar Surgery: Should We Criticize or Let Her Be?

The motive behind penning this article arose upon witnessing a plethora of remarks on social media against Naimal Khawar. Whilst people possess the liberty to voice their opinions, it is my belief that Naimal has been deeply disheartened by the criticism she has endured. Yesterday’s article about her surgery A Controversial Transformation of Naimal Khawar  Is Cosmetic Dermatology to Blame?

Fazeela Abbasi’s response: Debunking the Controversy Surrounding Naimal Khawar’s Facial Surgery and Dr. Fazeela Abbasi’s Involvement

Read this news in EMEA Tribune Newspaper June 21, 2023 edition


In today’s age of social media, where public figures are under constant scrutiny, every change in their appearance becomes a topic of discussion. Recently, the news of Naimal Khawar, a popular Pakistani actress, undergoing dermatology surgery has sparked a debate among social media users. Some have praised her courage to enhance her beauty, while others have criticized her for succumbing to societal pressures. Time to explore the dilemma and question whether we should criticize Naimal Khawar or let her be.

The Beauty Standard Conundrum:

In an era where beauty standards are imposed on individuals from a young age, it is not uncommon for people to feel the need to alter their appearance. The pressure to conform to society’s ideals can be overwhelming, especially for those in the public eye. Naimal Khawar, known for her natural beauty, made a personal decision to undergo dermatology surgery. While it is essential to acknowledge that everyone has the right to choose what makes them feel confident and comfortable, the public response to such choices often becomes contentious.


Body Positivity and Self-Acceptance:

One argument against criticizing Naimal Khawar’s decision is rooted in the concept of body positivity and self-acceptance. Society should strive to create an environment where individuals feel empowered to make choices regarding their bodies without fear of judgment. Body positivity encourages us to celebrate diversity and accept that everyone has the right to alter their appearance if it enhances their self-esteem and overall well-being.

Naimal Khawar Surgery: Should We Criticize or Let Her Be?

The Role of Social Media:

Social media platforms have become breeding grounds for instant judgments and harsh criticisms. While they provide a space for discussion and expression, they also expose individuals to unwarranted scrutiny. It is crucial for social media users to exercise empathy and restraint when commenting on someone’s personal choices, including their decision to undergo surgery. Instead of jumping to criticism, we should foster an environment where individuals are supported and encouraged to make choices that align with their own values and happiness.


Appreciating Diversity:

It is essential to recognize that beauty comes in various forms. Naimal Khawar’s decision to undergo dermatology surgery should not diminish the beauty she possessed before the procedure. Beauty is subjective, and it is up to the individual to define what makes them feel beautiful and confident. By appreciating diversity and celebrating individual choices, we contribute to a society that is more accepting and inclusive.

Naimal Khawar Surgery: Should We Criticize or Let Her Be?

As social media users, we have a responsibility to promote empathy, respect, and acceptance. While it is natural to have opinions about public figures, it is essential to remember that they, too, are human beings who deserve understanding and support. Criticizing Naimal Khawar or anyone else for their personal choices undermines the principles of self-acceptance and body positivity.

Let us encourage a culture that celebrates diversity and respects individual decisions. By doing so, we create a world where everyone feels empowered to make choices that align with their own happiness and well-being.

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DJ Kamal Mustafa
/ Published posts: 1064

DJ Kamal Mustafa is a Music Producer, DJ, Pakistani Filmmaker, News Editor of EMEA Trribune and Journalist.
