Women Are Sharing What It's Like Dating Conservative Men, And My Jaw Is On The Floor

Women Are Sharing What It's Like Dating Conservative Men, And My Jaw Is On The Floor

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"He left me to return to his ex because he said I couldn’t be trained."

BuzzFeed Staff

Warning: This post contains brief mention of rape, abuse, and gun violence. 

"He then told me that he was the product of rape and wouldn’t be alive if his mom had decided to abort. Flash forward two months to our breakup, during which I brought up our differences of opinion. He told me he LIED about being a product of rape just to win the argument. I walked out of his house and never looked back."


"I thought it was somewhat funny at the time. The sex was good! However, he often randomly belittled me for my political views. We eventually parted ways."


"There are absolutely things we will forever disagree on, like Obamacare and abortion. We agree on some things, and he’s willing to listen and hear my opinions when we don’t because his education and life experience taught him to think critically.

But there are also benefits to a *rational* conservative man. He wants to be a provider for my future family and me. I’m a strong-willed, stubborn, opinionated, deeply passionate woman most men couldn’t handle; I know, I checked. It took a big, strong Marine to handle and satisfy me. Liberal guys never really did that on dates. I got bored with them very quickly. We make it work by not letting politics be the center of our marriage because there’s so much more to life than politics and division, so we centered our marriage on faith because it’s something we want to be united in."




"But on the other hand, it gets frustrating, especially now with the cuts to the parks and forest services (which I am very passionate about) and his lack of empathy or care in his response to my anger at the choices the current administration is making, and how I feel it will negatively impact the country for decades to come. 

Whenever I criticize Trump, I am often met with either, 'Well, this is the way it is' or, 'Well, Biden did so and so.' It gets very tiring, and I do my best not to talk about politics with him anymore, but with the news of it nonstop, it is hard to stop myself sometimes."


"I was a biology major, so needless to say, our political views could not have been further apart. But I was inexplicably obsessed with him. Fifteen years later, we’re married, have a couple of kids, and he’s a hard-left, vegan liberal. You’re welcome, world."


"At the time, I didn’t gather our political differences. He was always griping on family values and proposed to me after 10 months. Not even a year in, he was cheating with multiple women. When I caught him, he put a gun to my head and sexually assaulted me."




"The most abusive relationship I've ever been in was with a staunch Democrat, but I don't label ALL Democrat men as narcissistic and abusive. People shouldn't be judging folks based on who they voted for. That's the problem in the country. From what I am reading, you all just dated horrible humans."



"I should've known he was a red flag when he told me he listened to Andrew Tate, but he 'wasn't like Andrew Tate.' He said that he just valued his work ethic and his mindset. Yeah, no."


"Conservative doesn't mean 100% far right on every single issue or even far right on any issue. Many conservatives are closer to the middle than you think. Enough with the labels and stereotyping. 

I have had a million bad dates with liberal types and split the bill with them. I'm curious to see how this article goes. I'm guessing, like most media, it will be cherry-picked to portray only one side intended by the author/publication."


"Specifically, they shouldn't take leadership roles over men, should have as many babies as God would allow, and should take care of the home, etc. I knew it would never work out between us because I just wasn't gonna be that kind of woman. We stopped seeing each other but have remained friends. Now, he has a wife and a few kids. Happy for him and glad I didn't stick around!"


"We know that at the end of the day, politics aren't a good enough reason to throw our entire relationship away, and we are mature enough to disagree on things and still respect one another's opinions."


Responses have been edited for length/clarity.

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