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Bodies of aid workers killed in Gaza transferred to Egypt

In World
April 03, 2024

The bodies of foreign aid workers killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip were transferred to Egypt’s Rafah border crossing, an Egyptian broadcaster reported on Wednesday.

State-linked al-Qahera News TV said ambulances carrying the bodies of a number of the relief workers arrived at the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing near Gaza.

Seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) employees were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip on Monday as they were returning from a full day’s mission, the US-based aid organization said.

They were three Britons, one Australian and one Polish national, a US-Canadian dual citizen and a Palestinian man.

The six bodies of foreign aid workers were transferred by the Palestinian Red Crescent to the Egyptian Rafah crossing Wednesday, an Egyptian security source said.

The bodies will be flown home after they are received by representatives of their respective embassies in Cairo, the source added. The transfer is to take place via Cairo airport.

Ambulances carrying the bodies of the World Central Kitchen aid group staff members, who were killed in an Israeli air strike, go into Egypt through the Rafah border crossing. Seven employees of the US-based aid organization World Central Kitchen (WCK) were killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip on Monday. Mohammed Talatene/dpa

Ambulances carrying the bodies of the World Central Kitchen aid group staff members, who were killed in an Israeli air strike, go into Egypt through the Rafah border crossing. Seven employees of the US-based aid organization World Central Kitchen (WCK) were killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip on Monday. Mohammed Talatene/dpa

The body of one of the World Central Kitchen aid group staff members, who were killed in an Israeli air strike, is being transported out of the morgue of Abu Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. Seven employees of the US-based aid organization World Central Kitchen (WCK) were killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip on Monday. Mohammed Talatene/dpa

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