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Gemma Atkinson fights tears as she watches Gorka Marquez while on holiday after his ‘hate’ admission

In Europe
April 09, 2024
Gemma Atkinson and Gorka Marquez on holiday with their two children

Gemma Atkinson and Gorka Marquez on holiday with their two children -Credit:Gemma Atkinson Instagram

Gemma Atkinson appeared to be feeling emotional as she watched Gorka Marquez being the doting day while enjoying the last of their holiday. The couple have recently been soaking up the sun and the family time together with their two young – Mia and Thiago – children in Spain.

Gemma, 39, and Gorka, 33, headed off to Tenerife over the half-term break which comes ahead of Gemma’s return to her radio job later this month on Hits Radio following her maternity leave break and Gorka’s return to the stage as he’s set to reunite with his Strictly Come Dancing co-stars for the professionals tour.

The pair, who met during the BBC One dance contest in 2017, have been sharing some updates from their break on social media with Gemma sharing on Tuesday (April 9) that it was their last day before they’d be heading back home to Greater Manchester.

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But before then, Gemma captured a sweet moment in which Gorka was seen encouraging and trying to grab a snap of four-year-old Mia as she played on one of the children’s rides in the area while he also pushed eight-month-old Thiago’s pram.

Sharing the video to her Instagram Story in view of her 1.9 million followers, the former Hollyoaks and Emmerdale star then wrote: “He’s such a proud dad,” alongside a string of the face holding back tears emojis and red love hearts.

It comes after Gorka made his TV return on earlier this month as he joined Anton Du Beke and Giovanni Pernice for the third and final episode of their BBC One series Anton & Giovanni’s Adventures in Spain.

Gemma appeared emotional as she watched doting dad Gorka from the distance -Credit:Gemma Atkinson Instagram

Gemma appeared emotional as she watched doting dad Gorka from the distance -Credit:Gemma Atkinson Instagram

Following their trip to Italy last year, their new show sees the duo head to Spain on an epic adventure across Anton’s motherland with their trip ending in the very village where Anton’s mother was born and after leaving Madrid behind to head to the Basque region, Basque local Gorka joined them for a whistlestop tour.

The trio later met up with Gorka’s mum and dad and Anton didn’t hesitate to grill them on whether the 33-year-old had been mischievous as a child. She sweetly insisted he hadn’t been “naughty”, but Gorka admitted that his father had a different opinion. Anton jokingly jibed that his mum probably had “worse eyesight”, so didn’t notice his bad behaviour.

Gorka grinned sheepishly at his mum as she made the admission that, although he wasn’t badly behaved, he was “very chubby” and “greedy” as a child after Anton asked her if she was surprised at how he looked now compared to when he was younger. Gorka, who was tucking into a spread including Spanish ham, then joked back: “And even now!”

Gorka also confessed that his partner Gemma absolutely “hates” him for one traditional trait he has – tucking into Spanish ham at Christmas time. “Gemma’s vegetarian but at Christmas I still buy [ham] and put it all over the kitchen, and she hates me for that,” he said.

“Every morning I’m there with my knife, chopping ham away and she’s looking at me like… ‘What is this?!” As he told the story, the trio tucked into a “melt in the mouth” pork product, with Gorka going on to joke: “You can leave me here [with the ham] and pick me up when you finish your day!”

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