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What would ICC arrest warrants against Benjamin Netanyahu mean for Israel?

In World
April 30, 2024

International Criminal Court could issue warrants for arrest of senior Israeli officials.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says nobody will stop its military actions – not even the International Criminal Court.

The ICC is investigating the country’s operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank – and could issue warrants for the arrest of Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders.

Netanyahu says such a move would be outrageous – and set a dangerous precedent.

And the foreign minister insists the country won’t be deterred and will continue to fight.

The court’s prosecutor says anyone who breaks the law will be held accountable.

But Israel is not part of the ICC and does not recognise its jurisdiction.

Yet any warrants it issues could put its officials at risk of being arrested in other countries.

So what could the ICC probe mean for Netanyahu and Israel?

Presenter: Nick Clark


Gideon Levy – Columnist, Haaretz newspaper

Geoffrey Nice – Barrister and human rights lawyer

Stephen Zunes – Professor of politics, University of San Francisco

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