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Donald Trump to headline Minnesota GOP fundraiser this month

In World
May 07, 2024

May 6—ST. PAUL — Former President Donald Trump will visit Minnesota later this month to headline a Republican fundraising dinner in St. Paul.

Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman David Hann announced Monday that Trump will be headlining the Minnesota GOP’s annual Lincoln Reagan dinner.

“We are thrilled to welcome President Trump back to Minnesota to headline our Lincoln Reagan dinner, an annual tradition that reminds us of the roots of our party and the leaders who have been most impactful in promoting our American values. I can think of no one more fitting to join us this year than President Trump,” Hann said in a statement.

Minnesota Trump campaign chair and House Majority Whip Tom Emmer will be co-hosting the dinner.

“Joe Biden’s failed policies are showing Minnesotans each day that President Trump is the only choice to lead our country forward,” he said. “Let’s put America first and win in November.”

In a statement sent to media Monday afternoon, Minnesota DFL Chairman Ken Martin said, “By doubling down on Donald Trump and his MAGA agenda, Minnesota Republicans are tying their fate to his in November.”

“Minnesota voters have repeatedly rejected Donald Trump and his efforts to ban abortion, take away their health insurance, and attack our democracy,” Martin said. “Republicans up and down the ballot will have to answer for why they are abandoning Minnesota values and kissing Donald Trump’s ring.”

The exact time and place of the dinner was not included in the GOP’s announcement, however, MPR reports that the dinner is being held during the party’s state convention in St. Paul, which starts on Friday, May 17.

Trump lost Minnesota by 7 percentage points in 2020 to Biden. He also lost Minnesota to Hillary Clinton in 2016 by less than 2 percentage points.

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