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Elkhart County under heat watch as of Monday

In World
June 17, 2024

Jun. 16—GOSHEN — A heat watch for Elkhart County and vicinity goes into effect Monday.

Meteorologist Chris Roller with the National Weather Service of Northern Indiana said Sunday that a heat watch is typically issued when dangerous heat conditions are expected over a 24- to 72-hour period.

“This one starts Monday and goes through Friday,” he said.

Under a heat watch, heat indexes are expected usually between 75 and 105 degrees.

“It just kind of creates an environment where there is no rest for those exhausted from the heat,” he said, adding that it is especially hard for children and the elderly, when there is no air conditioning available.

During such conditions, Roller said it is best to limit outdoor activities between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m., take breaks if possible, wear clothing that is light in both weight and color, and take advantage of air conditioning when possible, in libraries, grocery stores and wherever else it is available.

Being proactive in dealing with the heat is the best approach, he said.

“Just plan for it instead of trying to do it on a whim,” he said.

Roller added that, with respect to leaving children and the elderly in cars, a “look before you lock” approach is the way to prevent this from happening.

“Temperatures can rise quickly within cars,” he added.

To learn more, visit www.weather.gov/safety/heat.

Steve Wilson is news editor for The Goshen News. You can reach him at steve.wilson@goshennews.com.

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