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New Jersey AG charges Democratic power broker George Norcross in bombshell indictment

In World
June 17, 2024

New Jersey’s attorney general on Monday charged one of the state’s most powerful Democrats and his allies in a sweeping indictment alleging a long-running corruption scheme.

The charges against George Norcross are groundbreaking. He has long been the subject of scrutiny by law enforcement and a political task force, but has never been charged. The indictment, brought by Attorney General Matt Platkin, portrays years of extortion and threats.

Norcross “led a criminal enterprise whose members and associates agreed the enterprise would extort others through threats and fear of economic and reputational harm and commit other criminal offenses to achieve the enterprise’s goals,” the indictment says.

Norcross — whose brother Donald is a member of the House — has wielded tremendous influence in New Jersey politics for decades, all without holding elected office. He is an insurance broker by trade but built up what’s known as the South Jersey machine, a Democratic political coalition considered one of the strongest in the state. He was a member of the Democratic National Committee and counted figures like Nancy Pelosi among his friends.

At his peak, Norcross was known as the most powerful unelected official in New Jersey. His influence peaked under Republican Gov. Chris Christie, who worked hand in hand with Democratic Senate President Steve Sweeney, a childhood friend of Norcross.

Platkin also charged Norcross’ brother Philip, a lobbyist; lawyer Bill Tambussi; former Camden Mayor Dana Redd; Sidney Brown, the CFO of trucking company NFI; and John O’Donnell, a leader of the residential development company The Michaels Organization.

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