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Marine Le Pen’s surge is a warning to Sir Keir Starmer

In Europe
June 30, 2024

In the upper-echelons of the Labour Party, as they consider a UK run by them (and such is their confidence, the urinal-equipped chancellor’s loo is being reassessed ready for the first female occupant of the role), a name is whispered with a worried nod of the head and a concerned furrowing of the brow.

The rise and calamitous fall of Emmanuel Macron has become the scary bedtime story for Sir Keir Starmer’s closest team – the type of tale a concerned parent might tell their children to stop them scrumping apples. “Don’t do that, or you will suffer the same fate as Monsieur Le President!”

A centrist, pro-European leader, Macron won the 2017 French presidential election on a wave of “change” rhetoric. For a period, he could do no wrong, as hyper-low interest rates and strong growth cemented the idea that En Marche! (the new party he founded) was going to solve the age-old problems of establishment, out-of-touch politics and, even worse, corrupt, idiot politicians. He was welcomed as a breath of fresh air, an antidote to the chaos of busted governments that had run out of ideas.

Then came Covid, the Ukraine-related energy shock, and controversial attempts at public sector and policy reform, particularly to the pension age. Being pro-EU (with the sticky insistence on remote rule-making from Brussels) suddenly became a hindrance, not a help. After rising so high, Macron has fallen to the humbling low of having to call an early election on the core question of what kind of France voters want. When Edward Heath tried a similar “Who governs?” strategy in 1974, it did not end well for the Conservatives.

Macron has been assaulted from the Right and the Left for failing to seal the deal he put before the French electorate. He is the Sun King turned to Mr Bean, to paraphrase Sir Vince Cable’s deadly description of that other fallen giant, Gordon Brown.

But whereas Brown came up against a rather gentlemanly One Nation Tory in the form of Lord Cameron, Macron’s challenge is dressed very differently. Tweeds have been replaced by stilettos. The man “who was the future once” has been humiliated not only by a coalition of the Left but also at the hands of a hard-Right, charismatic leader who sniffed an opportunity (immigration) and turned it into a political attack super-virus. Marine Le Pen is not just a threat to Le President. She is a threat to the established order.

Just as Nigel Farage would like to be here. Both gladly dabble with the dark forces of “culture” and “patriotism” to gather support.

What does France and more specifically Macron have to do with Sir Keir Starmer? Lots, as it happens. Macron won two thirds of the votes in 2017, 30 per cent more than Le Pen’s Front National. It was a clear victory which appeared to prove that France wanted him, and not the alternative. But rather than deal with the alternative, Macron has now been surrounded by it. An economy in a funk, immigration continuing to worry enough voters to matter, and a leader who confused winning big with political righteousness.

And that has become Labour’s bedtime story. On Thursday, Starmer is set to land what appears to be a game-changing majority. But he will do so without convincing the voters that Labour is actually the answer. For a period, benign economic tailwinds (next week energy prices will fall by 7 per cent, by the end of the year 1.5 million homeowners are likely to see their mortgage repayments drop, real incomes will continue to rise) will hide a myriad of rocks under the surface.

Will Labour’s policy of return agreements really stop the boats? Will Wes Streeting, all set to be the next health secretary, put in place the right policies to start turning around the NHS and social care? Will the unions wear it? Will voters remain silent in the face of the pro-building revolution Labour has promised?

And if growth stutters, the public finances will turn against Rachel Reeves and the bond markets will start charging the UK more to fund the increased borrowing that will be necessary to hide the holes. Taxes will rise and Starmer’s support – wide but always shallow – may disappear.

And Farage, the new MP for Clacton, will be waiting.

Labour is a tribe that tends towards panic. You don’t lose as many elections as the party has managed in its 124-year history without sensing disaster around every corner – because it so often is. Where the Right are mostly furious when voters turn against them and shout that it is everyone else’s fault, the Left disappear into months, sometimes years, of introspection and “why are we so useless?” narratives.

In government, the same emotions prevail. It can lead to caution, paralysis and poor policy-making. Particularly if you have, like Starmer and Brown, a rather dogmatic tendency to believe that pulling the levers of the state can solve problems. Starmer, unlike Brown, also sees the EU as a route to greater prosperity, a policy push laughingly dismissed by one seasoned EU negotiator I know as “delusional, they are never going to give us anything of any real economic value, we’ve left”.

And Farage will sniff his opportunity.

“On July 5, we are going to have to think immediately about Reform,” one senior Labour figure told me. “If we leave it, think the threat will go away, then we will only have to look across the Channel for what could happen.”

Starmer makes a lot of the fact that he only recently came into politics. But what he thinks is a strength is actually a weakness. Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair were political to their fingertips, able to marshal arguments that convinced electorates for nearly all of their political careers.

Blair, whom Starmer admires, had the political instincts to rise above controversies, even when, as in the case of his enthusiasm for open borders with the EU and the Iraq war, he created them. People often forget that he won his third election in a row after the controversy over non-existent weapons of mass destruction.

Starmer lacks the political nous to see traps before they form. He does not suffer hubris, at least. And in Reeves he will have an able chancellor who is likely to help him out of a number of bear pits. Streeting is another strong performer who wants to reform the health service and not just give it more money.

Starmer will need to discover a new gear once in No 10 – market orientated, non-ideological, willing to listen. Drift to his instinctive Left and he will allow space for Farage to pounce, particularly if whatever is left of a bloodied and bowed Conservative Party tries to do a deal with the private-school educated banker from leafy, suburban London who likes to pretend he is in some way a “man of the people”.

If Starmer does not learn that being prime minister is different from leading (and liking) a cosy club of liberal progressives, then the seeds of his destruction will soon become apparent. Just as they have for the President of the Fifth Republic.

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