Pedram Shakouri – The Artist Behind The Swarovski,  Daniel Wellington and Many Other Campaigns

Pedram Shakouri – The Artist Behind The Swarovski, Daniel Wellington and Many Other Campaigns

We all see those absolutely stunning commercials and photographs by our favorite brands on a daily basis. But have you ever wondered
who the real artist behind the camera is? The person who actually makes it all happen? Meet Pedram Shakouri, the artist behind the Swarovski, Daniel Wellington, and many other campaigns. In his career as a photographer and videographer, he worked with a number of renowned brands. Including Mac Cosmetic, Zoeva, Zalina, L’oreal Cosmetic, Zara, Selin Beauty Cosmetic, Rocio Fashion, Mo-One Fashion House, etc. Yes! All your favorite brands that you adore so much! Pedram is the guy behind all these masterpieces. 
Where it all began…

Pedram Shakouri did his bachelor’s in Interior Design from Near East University. And later completed a Bachelor’s in Communication and Design from Beykent University. His father was a photographer, and he followed in his footsteps by becoming one himself. Along his journey, Pedram had the privilege of having a creative father as his mentor. When he was a youngster, instead of playing with toys, he would play with cameras. At the young age of 7, he started painting, and now, more than ten years later, he works in the field of photography and video as an artist.


In a recent interview, Pedram paid tribute to his father by saying, “My father has been the person who has had the most impact on me. He introduced me to photography when I was a child and inspired me to pursue it as a career.”

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