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Bellingham man charged with luring outside candy store

In World
June 28, 2024

A man has been arrested for attempting to lure children outside a candy store in Birch Bay, about 16 miles northwest of Bellingham.

The incident happened on June 24 around 7:30 p.m., when a report was made about a man trying to entice two young children into his vehicle near the C Shop candy store.

The man, identified as 53-year-old Corey Cardwell of Bellingham, approached the children and started a conversation, offering them candy and toys.

He allegedly asked them, “Do you guys never want to see your parents ever again?” He then took a frisbee out of his car trunk, trying to lure the children closer.

The parent, who was inside the store watching, came out and told the man to leave the children alone.

Cardwell then went into the store and sat beside three juvenile girls alone.

He reportedly asked them, “Do you guys want money? I have money in the trunk.”

When he saw the parent of the two younger children calling 911, Cardwell said he wasn’t a terrorist and fled in his vehicle towards Birch Bay State Park.

On June 25, Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office detectives contacted Cardwell. He denied all allegations but did show detectives the frisbees in his trunk.

The parent and another witness positively identified Cardwell as the man who attempted to lure the children.

Cardwell was booked without incident into the Whatcom County Jail on five counts of luring.

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