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Britain’s paltry savings are in Labour’s crosshairs

In Europe
June 25, 2024

There’s little more than a week to go before the almost inevitable handover of power from the Conservatives to Labour, and still it’s hard to make out precisely what to expect from the new government.

One thing we can safely assume, however, is that taxes will rise over and above what the Tories have already got pencilled in. Almost no one believes Sir Keir Starmer when he says he won’t raise taxes beyond what’s in the manifesto.

The proposed tax rises that have been detailed are too small to make a significant difference, and certainly won’t pay for either the existing upward pressures on public spending – rising health and defence spending and the growing welfare burden of an ageing population – or the additional commitments Labour has publicly spelt out.

In the face of widespread disbelief over his tax promises, Sir Keir has nuanced his position somewhat so that the commitment not to raise taxes now only applies to “working people”, whatever that might mean.

He also refuses to rule out any number of tax raising measures that might be applied but fall outside the scope of his headline commitment to keep the main rates of taxation unchanged.

Actually, there is one he has ruled out, which is a 10pc transfer tax on Premier League football clubs – one rule, it would seem, for egregious money making in sports and entertainment, but another more punishing one for the less glamorous world of ordinary commerce. Yet on the rest, his lips are sealed.

What’s been called a “conspiracy of silence” surrounds increases in capital gains and inheritance tax, and that much cherished goal on the political left of a meaningful “wealth tax”.

The Tories are right to focus attention on these possibilities, even if there is seemingly almost nothing they can do to reverse their disastrous position in the polls.

People know they are going to be taxed more, but they are so fed up with the Tories that they are going to vote Labour anyway. Either that or they naively assume that it will be other people’s taxes that rise, but not their own. How stupid can you get?

One measure where Labour has shown a bit of an ankle is on pensions tax relief. In his first Budget, in March 2023, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the abolition of the pensions lifetime allowance. To anyone serious about saving into a pension this was a very welcome reform.

It’s one thing to limit the extent of tax relief on pension contributions, but it is quite another for the Government to gobble up the investment gain on pension pots as well, as the lifetime limit often did. After more than a decade of steady reductions in the lifetime limit, Hunt’s reform was therefore welcome.

In opposing this concession, Labour has been all over the place.

Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancellor, was initially having none of it.

“Labour will reverse the changes to tax free pension allowances”, she said. “It is the wrong priority at the wrong time for the wrong people”. Reverting to the previous position is reckoned to be worth around £800m a year to the Exchequer.

Confronted by an outburst of middle-class rage which threatened to dent Labour’s polling lead, there has since been a screeching about-turn.

We don’t have to do this to stay within our fiscal rules, Labour briefed recently, and indeed, according to some reports, it won’t.

Targeting pensions

We’ll see, but there are in fact much bigger sums of money to be won by eating into the pensions cake – for instance by further limiting the tax free lump sum that can be realised from a pension pot, by limiting the amount that can be bequeathed free of inheritance tax, or by restricting the relief to the basic rate of income tax.

In promising to introduce “stability” into the pensions saving framework, none of these things have been ruled out. A penny to a pound, the new government will find some way of restricting at least some of these tax breaks.

Don’t get me wrong. There is certainly an argument to be had over whether pensions tax relief is a fair way of incentivising savings. Those who benefit most from it tend to be relatively high earners who are likely to save anyway regardless of whether they are incentivised to do so.

All the same, Reeves would be making a grave error if she regards Britain’s pool of savings as a treasure trove there to be raided. One of Britain’s biggest structural weaknesses is that it saves far too little; to regard what we do save as merely another source of taxation is the wrong approach for any government that aspires to decent and sustainable levels of growth, as Labour keeps saying it does.

In terms of what we save as a proportion of disposable income, we are right down there at the bottom of the OECD league table, alongside such economic luminaries as Greece, Portugal and Mexico.

Britain’s poor savings rate doesn’t entirely explain its equally abysmal rate of investment in the productive economy, the US has a similarly poor savings rate and yet is widely regarded as a model economy when it comes to growth.

All the same, it is a glaring deficiency, and goes at least some way to explaining Britain’s shamefully low levels of productivity growth. It’s hard to have decent levels of investment without decent levels of saving.

Doubling down on weakness

In Aesop’s fable of the ant and the grasshopper, the grasshopper spends the long summer months partying and dancing his time away while the ant builds up stores for the winter. When winter comes, the grasshopper begs the ant for food, but the ant refuses and asks why the grasshopper should benefit from all his hard work. The grasshopper goes hungry and doesn’t survive the winter.

The British economy is that grasshopper. It lives on its past and fails to make proper provision for the future. By threatening to further reduce the incentives to save, Labour doubles down on this ongoing weakness at the heart of Britain’s productivity problem.

Politicians find it hard to face the truth, especially at election time when promising the Earth is so much more likely to win you votes than grimly warning of enforced belt-tightening to come.

Rebalancing the economy away from current consumption towards investment should be a major policy priority, but there is little evidence of such ambition in the Labour proposition.

One thing is certain: you don’t start off by further disincentivising the very thing the economy needs most, which is a lot more saving.

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