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EastEnders airs sad character exit in early iPlayer release

In Europe
June 12, 2024

EastEnders spoilers follow from Wednesday’s episode (June 12), which is available to stream on BBC iPlayer now and hasn’t yet aired on BBC One.

Note – the following article contains discussion of themes including depression.

EastEnders has aired a sad exit for Bianca Jackson in the show’s latest episode.

Yesterday, Bianca’s new enemy Reiss questioned why she was still in Walford, after she criticised his funding of Sonia’s IVF via his wife Debbie.

In today’s episode, Bianca and Reiss continued to argue, and an exasperated Sonia decided to have it out with Bianca alone.

bianca jackson and sonia fowler quarreling in the queen vic

Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron – BBC

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Bianca stood by her opinion that what Sonia and Reiss are doing is wrong and thought Sonia should wait a bit longer before starting a new round of IVF treatment.

But she insensitively commented that Sonia is already a mother, to which Sonia explained her regret that she missed out on the early years of Bex’s life and wanted to do things properly this time.

Sonia told Bianca to move out, and later things got worse for Bianca when she saw Zack on the phone with Whitney – a reminder of what she had lost.

Kat came across an upset Bianca and insisted that they have a chat, so Bianca told her about the whole Sonia and Reiss situation.

sonia fowler with kat slater eastenders

Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron – BBC

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But Kat probed further, and in an emotional scene, Bianca revealed that she had recently been diagnosed with depression and had stopped taking the medication she was given by the GP.

Later in The Vic, Zack encouraged Bianca not to give up on Whitney, but Bianca said she might be better off on her own.

Meanwhile, Kat tried to convince Sonia to give Bianca another chance, but Sonia was horrified that she’d told someone else about her IVF struggles.

Sonia confronted a drunk Bianca in The Vic about gossiping, and after a tense argument, Bianca told the entire pub about what Sonia and Reiss had done, before breaking down in tears.

bianca jackson, eastenders


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Devastated, she left the pub and got into her taco van, while Sonia ran after her, urging her to come back to talk things over.

But the damage was already done, and as Reiss approached, Bianca drove away from Albert Square.

It hasn’t yet been confirmed if these were Bianca’s final scenes, but as Patsy Palmer was only returning to Albert Square for a short stint to coincide with Whitney’s exit, it is likely that this is the last viewers will see of her for a while.

EastEnders airs on Mondays – Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer, where most episodes drop early at 6am ahead of their TV broadcast.

Read more EastEnders spoilers on our dedicated homepage

If you’ve been affected by the issues raised in this story, organisations who can offer support include the NHS, Samaritans on 116 123 or Mind on 0300 123 3393. Readers in the US are encouraged to visit mentalhealth.gov.

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