Journey of Lior Biton
He started his career in 2015. The most significant achievements during his career are the first million half a year after discharge from the army, cycles of millions of shekels every month with dropshipping, and over 2,000 students learning how to work just like me and make money with minimum investment and maximum profit. And another 5,000 signed up for a free course, trips around the world that people have to work a few years for each trip, buying a Rolex at 22, the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world, a licensed dealer, opening a limited company. This advertising agency works with clients with substantial marketing budgets, real estate companies, and businesses Locals, buying 2 apartments for investment before the age of 23. All this is done in just 10 fingers without help from the parents.
After asking the question Where do you see yourself after 5 years? He said Having a substantial academic to learn how to make money using the computer with all the methods and not necessarily just a drop, striving to study these professions in high school and give value to people come to life with essential tools, Business owner around the world with apparent goals (China and Dubai)
I continue to amass a fortune, helping as many people as possible get out of jobs they don’t like, with a more respectable career and a larger audience believing in me. Because in the end, I am a child that the education system and no one thought in, to this day, people who studied with me in the same class in shock from what I became compared to them are still employees and do not know what to do with their lives.
He said he is the example that as long as you believe in something, anything is possible. He said I started From the lowest place, I grew and succeeded, and do not forget where I came from and where I am today. As we all know, social media plays a vital role, and in this time, everyone uses it So lior does, and he posts quality content. here’s the link to his Instagram.