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Kenya’s president withdraws tax plan after deadly protest

In World
June 26, 2024

Kenya’s President William Ruto says he will withdraw a finance bill containing controversial tax hikes after deadly protests which saw parliament set ablaze on Tuesday.

In an address to the nation, he said it was clear that Kenyans “want nothing” to do with the bill.

“I concede,” he said, adding that he will not sign the bill into law.

At least 22 people were killed in Tuesday’s protests, according to the state-funded Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNHRC).

Mr Ruto said he would now enter into dialogue with the young people, who were at the forefront of the biggest protests to hit the country since he was elected in 2022.

“Listening keenly to the people of Kenya who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with this Finance Bill 2024, I concede.

“And therefore, I will not sign the 2024 Finance Bill, and it shall subsequently be withdrawn. The people have spoken,” he said in the televised address.

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