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Protesters assail US top diplomat over Israel’s war on Gaza

In News, World
May 22, 2024

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was repeatedly interrupted by protesters condemning the US policy towards ally Israel and its war on Gaza as he testified before United States Senate committees.

At the hearing on Tuesday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Blinken flinched from a protester who approached him from behind, waving a sign that said “criminal”, before security officers carried her out of the room.

The chairmen of the Senate Foreign Relations and Senate Appropriations committees halted the hearings at least six times while Blinken was delivering his opening statements as demonstrators stood up to shout their opposition to the administration’s position and accused him of being a “war criminal” and being responsible for a “genocide” against the Palestinian people.

Several silent protesters held up their hands, stained with red paint or dye, behind Blinken during his appearances.

Demonstrations against Israel’s war on Gaza have become a feature of congressional appearances by Biden administration officials. When Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin testified on October 31 about President Joe Biden’s request for security assistance for Ukraine and Israel, protesters repeatedly interrupted them.

Protests in support of Gaza have intensified across the US, including on college campuses where there have been hundreds of arrests.

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