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In a surprise, Minnesota Republicans back Royce White to run against Amy Klobuchar

In World
May 18, 2024

Royce White, a former Black Lives Matter protester turned InfoWars magnate, won the state GOP Party’s endorsement Saturday to oppose Democratic incumbent Amy Klobuchar for her U.S. Senate seat.

A former Mr. Basketball, White said he felt “providence” in St. Paul’s RiverCentre, after being introduced to the convention by former Trump advisor Steve Bannon.

A couple hours later, White was accepting the endorsement to be the Republican party challenger to Klobuchar, capping a momentum-swelling moment for his campaign — which has yet to raise significant cash. He won with 67% of the vote on the first ballot.

“I’m a ‘We the People’ guy through and through,” White told the Star Tribune, moments before his victory was announced.

On stage, the 6-foot-8 White stood before an American flag and was flanked by people hoisting up “The People Are Coming” sign. The moment marked the culmination of the dark horse candidacy of a man who has never held office and has entertained conspiracy theories, been dogged by debt, and said he would “go to work on Amy Klobuchar in Hennepin, Ramsey and Dakota [counties].”

“The number one problem in this country is money in politics,” White said. “The government is too big, and it’s mostly corrupt.”

White ran unsuccessfully in a Republican primary two years ago to challenge DFL U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar.

White spent much of his victory speech defending against accusations that his campaign was not well-funded. Earlier, Minnesota Republican Party officials had indicated they had “reservations” about White on the ballot, noting a lack of funding.

This is a developing story, check back for updates.

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