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Mets’ Starling Marte ‘didn’t say anything’ to umpire that warranted ejection

In Sports
May 21, 2024

After a strikeout in the fourth inning, Mets right fielder Starling Marte was ejected by home plate umpire Manny Gonzalez for arguing balls and strikes in Monday night’s 3-1 loss to the Cleveland Guardians.

Following the game, Marte gave some context about what happened.

“I didn’t say anything to him for him to throw me out of the game, I was just telling him that I was unhappy with the pitches that he called strikes and I ended up making a gesture with my hands and he just threw me out of the game,” he said.

With two outs and a runner on first and New York trailing 2-1, Marte had a six-pitch at-bat that ended on a called strike three on the upper outside corner that left the outfielder disgruntled. Marte exchanged some words with Gonzalez after the (correct) call before going back to the dugout and all seemed fine.

However, when Marte ran back out onto the field for the bottom half of the inning, that’s when Gonzalez rang him up and tossed him from the game.

“I was surprised that he ejected me there,” Marte said. “I felt like I had a case at that point to kind of tell him what was going on and I felt like he had called a lot of bad pitches at that point throughout the game so when that’s happening, and in the situation that we’re in, I felt like it was appropriate for me to say something to him. But yeah I was definitely surprised that he ejected me there.”

Tyrone Taylor came in to play right field and took Marte’s spot in the lineup, batting fifth.

The 35-year-old finished his night 0-for-2 with a strikeout and a strange 1-6-5-3 double play off a comebacker with a runner at second base in the second inning where J.D. Martinez got caught in a rundown before Marte was tagged out at first base.

“I saw J.D. was in the rundown and I saw if he stayed in that rundown, I would be able to advance to second there, but then when I saw he returned back to second I knew that I needed to return back and I was just too far from the base and he got me out,” Marte said.

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