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Stop the ongoing massacre and genocide of Palestinian Muslims. Habiba Sharafat

In Pakistan
May 18, 2024
Stop the ongoing massacre and genocide of Palestinian Muslims. Habiba Sharafat

The silence of the United Nations and other human rights organizations is sad. Vice President Women’s Wing Gilgit-Baltistan

Gilgit-Baltistan:(Special Representative) According to Global Times Media Europe, Vice President of Pakistan People’s Party Women’s Wing Gilgit-Baltistan Habiba Sharafat said that Israel should stop the ongoing massacre and genocide of innocent Palestinians. The Genocide of Palestinians have been going on for decades which is regrettable. It is the duty and important responsibility of every Muslim to raise voice for Palestinian Muslims. Habiba Sharafat, Vice President of Pakistan People’s Party Women’s Wing Gilgit-Baltistan said in an interview with International Global Times Media Europe that the United Nations and the silence of other human rights organizations is sad. She further said that the United Nations should play a key role in raising the voice of the Palestinian Muslims so that the massacre and genocide of Muslims in Palestine can be stopped.

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