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Who is Aneesa Sharif an International Pakistani Model? 20+ Q/A Exclusive

In Entertainment
December 26, 2020
Who is Aneesa Sharif an International Pakistani Model? 20+ Q/A Exclusive
Who is Aneesa Sharif? EMEA TRIBUNE has asked Aneesa Sharif a few questions about her background, education, lifestyle, etc. She is an international Pakistani model, born and bred in London. Previously a lecturer at a college now a full-time model.
aneesa sharif model
who is aneesa sharif model

who is aneesa sharif model

Who is Aneesa Sharif, An Exclusive Interview

aneesa sharif model

DJ: Hi Aneesa, how did you get started as a model?
A S: With constant encouragement from my friends and family.
DJ: At what point did you decide to begin a career in modeling?
A S: When I started to get more work I knew I had to prioritize giving this a go properly, as the demand was there.
DJ: What do you feel was your breakthrough campaign that established your name in the industry?
A S: My breakthrough was constantly coming back to Pakistan during fashion weeks and working with renowned designers.
DJ: What is your dream project that you would love to work on?
A S: There is no such thing as a dream. I am living it.
DJ: Modeling is undoubtedly difficult. What has been the most challenging part since you started?
A S: Learning to understand who is fake and who is genuine.
DJ: Which designer and campaign have you enjoyed working with the most so far?
A S: My whole experience in Pakistan has been challenging but pleasant.
DJ: Model features or model behavior, which is more integral to the success of a model?
A S: Being a nice person!!! This gets you places!!
DJ: What is your secret to maintaining such a shapely figure?
A S: Gym, eating clean and green tea.
DJ: Do you have a mentor or someone in the industry who you look up to for guidance?

A S: I don’t, my guidance is my family.

DJ: Who is your inspiration in the fashion industry, both national and international?
A S: National – Elan and Faraz Manan designs are impeccable and international Elie Saab Haute couture.
DJ: What are your upcoming projects? Which of them are you most excited about?
A S: I have an upcoming business venture. Continue blogging and focus on international projects.
DJ: You have made quite a name for yourself within a short time. Has it been overwhelming or too much to handle?
A S: No I am super blessed, I have people I confide in.
DJ: Are you here to make friends in the industry? Or do you have a strictly professional approach?
A S: 100% I have made amazing friendships and professional relationships
DJ: When you are not modeling, what are your hobbies and how do you spend your free time?
A S: I swim, shop, and socialize
DJ: Tell us something about yourself, which very few people know?
A Sa: I am emotional even though I look like I have a hard exterior.
DJ: Will you ever consider straying into the field of acting?
A S: Acting in commercials but my business will take over soon. So modeling only for now.
DJ: If you were not a model, what career would you have pursued?
A S: Hmmmm that would be telling
DJ: What advice do you have for individuals looking into getting into modeling?
A S: Be true to yourself, manage your expectations, and know your angles.
DJ: What is your take on the current state of the fashion industry in Pakistan?
A S: Absolutely booming!!!! It’s just amazing –  I am so proud to be Pakistani
DJ: Do you think more fashion shows will boost the music scene in Pakistan?
A S: I think fashion shows boost what they need to. They ran the scene.
DJ: Share any funny and/or memorable incidents with the fans?
A S: To pay stupid amounts of money for a picture of my feet with me in it! The weirdest stuff is coming through my DMS! I SAID NOOOOO obviously
DJ: Any message to your followers and fans?
Aneesa: Thank you for the love always
DJ: Who was the last person you got a text from?
Aneesa: haha no comment  
DJ: Last book you read?
Aneesa: The secret
DJ: Favorite movie/s?
Aneesa: Notebook
DJ: Your all-time celebrity crush?
Aneesa: Channing Tatum
DJ: Your favorite TV series of all time?
Aneesa: How to get away with murder
DJ: Your biggest fear?
Aneesa: To not have fear.
DJ: Biggest wish?
Aneesa: None. They all came true
DJ: You spend most of your money on it?
Aneesa: Myself and I
DJ: Favorite perfume?
Aneesa: Coco Chanel perfume
DJ: Early bird or Nocturnal?
Aneesa: Sleep as much as I can
DJ: Favorite pizza topping?
Aneesa: Chicken and cheese
DJ: Your favorite city in Pakistan?
Aneesa: Kashmir
DJ: Ideal breakfast menu
Aneesa: Green tea alongside some fresh fruit
DJ: How can one reach out to you?
Aneesa: They can keep in touch with me via Instagram
DJ: Thank you Aneesa Sharif for giving us your precious time to our readers, I wish you all the best
Aneesa: You’re most welcome and same to you
Published and Edited by DJ Kamal Mustafa Follow me on Instagram and Facebook
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DJ Kamal Mustafa
/ Published posts: 1066

DJ Kamal Mustafa is a Music Producer, DJ, Pakistani Filmmaker, News Editor of EMEA Trribune and Journalist.
